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  • Writer's pictureFather Jim

Not Your Father's Oldsmobile

A Note From Father Jim

Many of you probably remember the Oldsmobile commercial from the 80's and 90's touting the sleek look and freshness of their newly designed cars.

While Oldmobile retained the quality and reputation of their brand, they were also stressing that they were doing a "new thing", with their vehicles. Their goal was to build on their tradition, but also to attract a new generation of loyal consumers.

Although the analogy is not perfect what God is doing in our midst is similar. As Christians we delight first in the truth of God's Word and next in the tradition of the Church. Our foundation is in God's Word and we too have been blessed with a rich tradition. But our God is a God of endless creation – he is constantly creating; doing something new. And the wonderful thing about it is: He invites us to join him in what he is doing!

That is why it is so crucial that we are tuned into Holy Spirit at all times. We must be alert to that little nudge, that "co-incidence", that thing that happens that is out of the ordinary. And when we are confronted with that nudge we must act on it. If suddendly you think of somoeone you hadn't thought of in years ask the Lord, "What am I to do? Pray? Phone them? What Lord?" When you feel that nudge to pray for someone in church (or out of church) who is hurting; act on it. Approach them. "Can I pray for you?" Your first thought may be, "What if I am wrong? What if I look foolish?" I guarantee you that God will not punish you if you have heard incorrectly – however he will honor your desire to bless someone in his name. Always.

Our ministry is one of constant change; because God is doing a new thing we must always be ready to move with him at a moments notice. I once heard aomeone preach that we must be like the horse that is so familiar with its rider that even the slightest pull or nudge in one direction or another causes us to turn with him.

We have a wonderful spiritual heritage in the Anglican Church. Right now we are riding the

spiritual waves of the many faithful saints

who have prayed for revival and for God's Kingdom to come. But as you know the Anglican Church is more than tradition and liturgy. First and foremost we are Christians who have pledged our lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Fr. Nigel Mumford tells a story of meeting a member of a church who emphatically told Fr. Nigel that he was an Anglican, not a Christian. Ouch! Being an Anglican is wonderful, but belonging to the Anglican Church is not a ticket to heaven. That can only come through a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. That is true Anglicanism; a faith that is rooted and lived in Jesus Christ and the Word of God.

We have an great opportunity to ride the new wave of what God is doing in Plainville. And that is done by following the leading of the Holy Spirit. And, when we do wonderful, unexpected things happen. That too is our heritage! Moving in the spirit requires us to be flexible. It requires constant seeking and listening. It requires a willingness to step out in faith. And as the Lord told me in prayer one evening, "It isn't faith until you're willing to act on it."

God is moving – bringing change to Holy Trinity; bringing change to each of us. It is a wonderful time to be alive!

One of Randy Clark's earliest books is called, "There is more!" In the book Randy describes how the Lord is using his Church to bring healing and restoration to a hurting world and in unexpected ways. He says that it is time to believe and expect more from God.

Let's believe for it. Let's be ready to move when Holy Spirit tells us. Let's expect him to do the unexpected. Let's expect him to heal and restore and rejuvinate and do the things that only Jesus can do. That is our true heritage; as Anglicans but more importantly: as Christians.



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