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  • Writer's pictureFather Jim

Urgency and Rest

As we begin 2019 I sense a couple of things from the Lord: That this is a time of urgency and also a time of resting in his faithfulness. Yes, the 2 may seem like they are at odds with each other, but they are really complementary.

The sense of urgency stems from the fact that we as a congregation are being called to step in; to step in with resolve and determination to what he has called us to do and be; to take a step of faith. This is not a reckless charge ahead, but a carefully calculated step, moving towards God and trusting completely in him without reservation, even through we may not know the whys and the hows and the whens. I believe that the Lord is calling us to do this now – as a congregation and as individuals.

This is also a time for us to rest in God's faithfulfulness. Trust and faith walk hand in hand. Faith is built on trust. If we don't trust God we cannot exercise our faith. And I believe that trust, in many cases, is simply a decision to believe in God and who he is and that he will do what he says he will do.

Urgency and Rest

God is moving in the world. He is moving very quickly. He is repositioning his followers in location, in prayer and in focus. He is aligning people and circumstances for his purpose and for a great harvest upon the earth. And I believe that God is calling us to urgently step out in obedience and trust in him. And the first step in trusting is obedience. We must take that step of trust with purpose and resolve saying "I don't care what the circumstances are; I don't care what the world says; I don't care what the world thinks; I'm going to trust and follow you, God." The rest and peace that we seek comes in trust. It's being willing to take a risk and step out without hesitation, into what he has planned for us.

In the same way that God opened the Red Sea for the Israelites, so he has opened a path for us. And he is saying to us, "Do not fear. The waters may look overwhelming, but I've got this. I am in this. You will pass through safely to the other side. Follow me."

It's a simple decision to trust him no matter what. It's a simple decision to hand over our cares and concerns to him. It's a simple decision to trust him with our entire lives, lives of our loved ones and the situations all around us.

And that's all it takes. It's a simple decision to not allow fear or discouragement or depression to rule our lives, but rather the faithful promises of God and his Word. The message is a simple one, yet so profound and so true.

"I am calling my Church forward. Step forth in faith, my beloved. Follow me. I am with you always." (Matthew 28:20)

God bless you,

Fr. Jim

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