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Holy Trinity Anglican Church

Plainville, CT

Spiritual Growth

Who is the Holy Spirit?

Many people have many different thoughts about the Holy Spirit, but we're going to focus on what the Bible says about him. Yes, the Bible says that the Holy Spirit is a person. He is a person with a will and emotions. In Ephesians 4:30 we're told to not "grieve the Holy Spirit". Obviously only a person can suffer grief. Some say that the Holy Spirit is a mysterious force that God sends to do his will - kind of a holy "beam of energy" or "mysterious force" that God uses for his purposes, but the Bible is clear: the Holy Spirit is a person, an individual with thoughts and feelings; with a personality.


The Bible also tells us that the Holy Spirit is God. In the Book of Acts 5:3-4 A man named Ananias has lied to Peter about the amount of money that he received from a sale of property. Peter says that Ananias has lied not just to him, but to the Holy Spirit and that he has lied to God. Clearly Peter understood that Holy Spirit is God.


Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit is our Teacher (John 14:26), Comforter (John 14:26) and our Counselor (John 14:16). He also convicts the world of sin (John 16:8). He is also the very presence of God upon the earth today.


In his time on earth Jesus had an intimate relationship with Holy Spirit and he performed his miracles through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. You too can have an intimate relationship with him and receive his anointing. Just ask him!

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